1976 - 1985
1976 - 1985
1972 seminar was called and this was not fructified and a thereafter Shree Hindu Mandal – DSM under the secretary Mr Pravin M Vaishnav calls Open Session Seminar for all Hindu Mandal/Unions at Dar Es Salaam from Saturday 25th to Sunday 26th 1976, a 2 part seminar session at Lohana Mahajan Wadi. Also present were delegates from local institutions of Dar Es Salaam.
The Hindu Council of Tanganyika established ~1956 had been dormant for past 20years in this seminar it was unanimously agreed to form a new institution under a suitable name to represent Hindu community on a national level and its constitution to be drafted by special 5 member committee.
Shree Hindu Mandal – Tanga hosts second seminar at Gita Mandir Hall, Tanga once again a 2 day session Friday 14th to Saturday 15th November 1980. The Hindu Council of Tanzania is proposed to be formed and election of trustees and management committee proceeded. First election held.
Holds its meeting at Conference Room, Shree Hindu Mandal, Dispensary Building Chusi Street.
JUNE 1983
Forth Annual Conference is tried to be convened but does not take place due to crack-down. One Executive committee meeting and Economic Sabotage Act 1983 was discussed under AOB.
MARCH 1984
Meeting of representatives of Hindu Associations in Tanzania on Saturday 24th March 1984 at Shree Hindu Mandal 10am. Hindu Council to be revived and made active as sole body of Hindu’s in Tanzania. Office bearers lamented that there was no cooperation from the upcountry members. Not much work is done so Annual conference is called for on 14th April 1984
In the 5th meeting of Executive Committee held on 15th February 1985. Hon Secretary reports from 1982 – 1984: only few members contributed with statistical data, central documents registry of assets only few members responded. Chairman H D Shah immigrates abroad forever. Assistance was extended to those effective by 1983 crack-down, British Passport were perused with British High Commission on behalf of members. The Hindu Council of Tanzania remains fragile.
MARCH 1985
Forth Annual Conference is finally convened on 2nd March 1985 under acting Chairman Mr Chandubhai Chohan. In his address mentioned 1967 attempt to form a union failed because of lack of enthusiasm from members. 1972 it was attempted once more until the 2nd seminar of December 1976.
Quote from this address:
“The noble aim upon which the Council was founded was to foster unity amongst members of the Hindu Community. The Constitution of the Council provides for membership by Hindu Mandals / Union and not by various sectarian or other organizations based on religious beliefs.
The reason was that it was felt that all sectarian and other institutions should be affiliated with the Hindu Mandal / Union which should in turn be affiliated with the Hindu Council. This is not so in actual practice in that all these sectarian and other institutions are autonomous- there are about 40 such autonomous institutions in Dar Es Salaam – and while the Dar Es Salaam Hindu Mandal has, during the past few years, tried to bring about harmony and unity amongst all Hindu Institutions through the formation of the Integration Committee with representation from all such autonomous institutions, much more remains to be done.”
Objectives are indicated for the new Executive Committee in the areas:
Establishment of Secretariat of the Council
Publication of a periodical News Bulletin
Hindu Census Data
Central Registry of Title Deeds and Documents
Educational facilities at the Primary, Secondary and Higher Levels
Engagement in Agriculture or Agro based industries
Pilgrimage to India
Religious teachings in Primary and Secondary Schools
Welfare Fund
Medical and Religious staff at up-country centers to be centrally employed
Records of community’s contributions in the development and growth of the country
Election was duly held under the chairmanship of Mr B K Tanna and Secretary Mr A J Shah and in April 1985 holds is first meeting. In the first meeting Mr A J Shah tenders his resignation and Mr Y C Patel was appointed Secretary.
Census is attempted first time and forms are sent to Mandals / Union; First bulletin is proposed to be published.
1986 - 1995
Executive Committee continues to pursue objectives of HCT. Amendment of Constitution is proposed should a member organization seize to exist or winds up. Reports reach that the Zanzibar Hindu Mandal building needs HCT attention since it has dilapidated and none to look after. The crematorium grounds and the idols in the temple were also in similar condition.. Letter is received from Mtwara for donation to build temple there, Chairman informs that council has no provision for such funds.
Bulletin regrettably not yet published. Census does not take off, Central Registry no progress. Pilgrimage still struggling to get necessary approval from Bank of Tanzania, no progress on any kind of education facility. Religious teaching is suggested to be taken over by Shree Sanatan Dharma Sabha at the time chairman Mr Pravin Vaishnav. First bulletin is published.
On Saturday 17th February 1990 5th Annual Conference is held at L O V Shishukunj hosted by Shree Hindu Mandal – Chairman Reports no much achieved on the census, registration of properties etc. Despite efforts. The role of The Hindu Council of Tanzania remains that of liaison body representing all Hindu in Tanzania.
Council’s only major achievement remains handling of difficult immigration problems with British High Commission.
Election is held and Mr Rasik S Patel becomes the chairman and Secretary Kantibhai N Patel for 3 years period from 1990 to 1992. But under chairmanship of Mr Rasik S Patel HCT goes dormant for several years.
MAY 1995
Shree Hindu Mandal writes letter. “The present leadership of the council which has overstretched its term of office…”
Annual Conference is called on 3rd September. Chairman Mr Rasik S Patel remark Constitution is not clear and could be subjected to different interpretations. Objection is raised in continuing the meeting, invitations were not sent on time. Executive Committee is given 1 month notice to overcome and short comings of the constitution.
1996 - 2005
Calls are made to hold Annual Conference and finalize on the constitution.
Still under the chairman ship of Mr Rasik S Patel organizes visit of Paramhansa Pujya Swami Shree Sachhidaand
Shree Hindu Mandal once again calls for Annual Conference due since 1992. Once again Shree Hindu Mandal under the chairman ship of Mr B K Tanna urges Chairman Mr Rasik Patel to hold Annual Conference.
Shree Hindu Mandal Youth League under the auspices’ of Shree Hindu Mandal Dar Es Salaam launches the first ever Tanzania Hindu Directory & Database 1998/1999 under the Chairman of Youth league of Mr Mahesh Saujani.
APRIL 1999
At the meeting of Executive Committee of Shree Hindu Mandal on 12th April 1999 Mr A J Shah (at the time Trustee of Shree Hindu Mandal is delegated to assist HCT to hold Annual Conference and hold elections as soon as possible. Also inform that Shree Hindu Mandal has spearheads its attendance in the newly formed The Hindu Council of Africa. Office bearers continue to be out of station hence no activity or Annual Conference is held.
On 5th September 1999 Executive Committee is ‘elected’ which is held after 10 years.
Seminar cum Meeting is held on 12-13th August 2000 at Shree Shanker Ashram Temple Hall. In the presence of Hindu Council of Kenya Mr Prabhubhai Pattni and Mr Muljibhai Pindolia
JULY 2004
Failure to revive HCT reasons stated are several. No hand over of any secretarial or business files to the new committee, despite several requests and appeals to the outgoing chairman and secretary. No funds available no trace of Fixed Deposit Receipt.
MAY 2005
Annual General Meeting is called on 13 May 2005 Election happens Mr B K Tanna elected as chairman and Secretary Mr Anil Kamdar, Trustees are also elected in this meeting.
2006 - 2011
JUNE 2006
Annual Meeting (had no quorum hence memorandum were drafted) is held at Shree LOV Shishukunj Hall on Sunday 18th June 2006. Secretary Anil Kamdar moved to Zanzibar is unable to contribute to HCT. Mr A J Shah (as invitee to the meeting) points out the HCT has remained dormant for many years and therefore ineffective. It is proposed a sub-committee should be entrusted to revive and restructure the Council. Chairman B K Tanna concurred. Mr Dilip Asher tenders his resignation.
It is unanimously agreed that the sub-committee to be headed by Mr A J Shah be established. He was given free hand to appoint other members of such a sub-committee, which should draft its own Term of Reference for consideration by the Executive Committee of the Council.
HCT is dormant. In the meeting talk proceed on reviving HCT. It is agreed that Mr A J Shah to draw up detailed Terms of Reference and determine the time limit. Mr Ramesh Patel and Mr Ashwin Ganatra become the members to this sub-committee.
JULY 2008
Mr Muljibhai Pindolia & Mr Prabhubhai Pattni visits DSM. Visits Shree Hindu Mandal School and conducts meeting at Shree Shankar Ashram.
April 2010
Care Taker Committee of HCT, lead by Mr. Amu Shah called a special meeting of leaders of Hindu Community and Institution to discuss the status of HCT and way forward. Care Taker Committee member points out the HCT has remained dormant for many years and therefore ineffective. It is unanimously agreed that the co-opt committee lead by Harish Patel is formed to revive The Hindu Council of Tanzania. He was given free hand to appoint other members of such a co-opt committee.
MAY 2010
Co-opt committee's 1st meeting called on 20 May 2010 at Patel Samaj Conference Hall and invited management committee members of Hindu institution and community in Dar es Salaam, the co-opt committee presented the status of HCT and proposed to the members that HCT to be revived and made active as the only apex body of Hindu's in Tanzania, majority members present agreed on revival of HCT with unity and diversity in mind the committee embarks to transform the council which will fairly represent all Hindu's in Tanzania equally and overhauls the old constitution. Patel Samaj plays a monumental roll in the process of revival of HCT.
The revival process gets completed after 9 months and culminates into General Conference after a very long time, which the amended constitution is adopted and fresh elections are held. Chairman Mr Harish Patel takes over and new hope begins. Mr Snehal Bakrania Revival Secretary and Secretary General of first revived HCT plays a monumental role in the process.
Secretary also compiles HCT history starting from 1976 – 2011 highlighting major mile stones.
A Planning Committee was appointed by the Executive Council headed by Mr Hitesh Divecha and assisted by Mr Babulal Chudasama and Mr Mitesh Valambhia. The Committee submitted their comprehensive report on 8th June 2011 to the Executive Council. Seven sub-committees were proposed in line with the aims and objectives of the Hindu Council.
2011 - Now
Under the Chairmanship of Mr Harish Patel and Secretary General Mr Snehal Bakrania new vision is embarked upon.
MARCH 2013
Chairmanship of Mr Snehal Bakrania and Secretary General Mr Mitesh Valambhia new subsidiaries and projects rolled out namely:
1. Suraksha Tanzania
2. Hindu Business Forum
3. Hindu Job Centre
4. Hindu Education Fund Board
5. Asset Management Committee
6. Navratri Security and Traffic Arrangement
7. Shared Utsav.
8. Diwali Fireworks
Diwali Fireworks proves to be a challenge to organise centrally and safely with proper permits. Events gets cancelled last minute.
Affiliation with The Hindu Council of Africa, TADA, IRCPT. The Hindu Council of Tanzania launches its own website, remains active todate.